dimanche 7 février 2016

Lean Manufacturing Systems

Lean Manufacturing Systems  is a general term applied to the latest methods of manufacturing that maximizes value and minimizes the waste. Lean manufacturing systems are varied systems designed to improve the manufacturing line of any company.

Definitions Of Terms In Lean Manufacturing Systems

1. Value in terms of the lean manufacturing systems is basically what the customer is ready to pay for. A company will have to find out or survey what the customer really needs and then focus all its energies and resources towards that valueed goods.

2. Waste in terms of the lean manufacturing systems is the opposite of the value. Everything that is outside the value that was assigned to a particular goods is deemed a waste. Anything that the customer is not willing to pay for is also deemed a waste.

The elimination of this waste can easily manifest itself in at most eight different categories:

a. Overproduction

Overproduction in lean manufacturing systems is the production of a particular good in higher levels and number than what is needed. When a customer orders a particular good, a company will have to manufacture it and deliver it on time.

The problem transpires when the company overproduces the goods and upon delivery, the customer will only buy what he needs. What is left of the products is then deemed as wastes since its quality has diminished and teh customer is not willing to pay for it.

If a company has lean manufacturing systems, then it will be able to monitor how much it should produce adn avoid overproduction.

b. Inventory

Problems in inventory arises when the stock is less than the demand by the customers. If a customer will not be able to get what he wants then it will be a bad image for the company.

Lean manufacturing systems can be administered to be able to avoid the untimely depletion of stocks by proper inventory. Once the stock is near depletion it must be replenished.

c. Defects

Correcting defects have always been a part of lean manufacturing systems. Lean manufacturing systems desire to decrease defects in the manufacturing line by improving processes and applying automation in specific points along the manufacturing line.

Defects are sometimes seen as caused by human errors but these defects can also be caused by improper machineries.

d. Extra processing

Extra processing based from lean manufacturing systems are processes that are seem to be redundant in the system. Extra processing can be solved by lean manufacturing systems simply by monitoring and identifying what specific processes are not needed anymore by the manufacturing line.

What the lean manufacturing systems are doing is to cut down unnecessary processes and improve the manufacturing line.

e. Waiting time

Waiting time per lean manufacturing systems is the unnecessary time that is spent and wasted along the manufacturing line. Again whatever process or loops that can be avoided by the lean manufacturing systems is implemented.

f. Underutilized people   

Underutilized people are also part of the concern of lean manufacturing systems. Lean manufacturing systems finds proper solutions to be able to solve the problem of underutilized people.

Automation processes implemented along the manufacturing lines have induced the decreased need for people.

g. Motion

The motion of the manufacturing line is also a concern for the lean manufacturing systems. The processes of the manufacturing line must be streamlined and improved and lean manufacturing systems have drafted solutions to cut down unnecessary processes.

h. Transportation

The lean manufacturing systems also have a concern over the transportation wastes that a manufacturing company will incur. The lean manufacturing systems have eliminated a few of the problems by centralizing manufacturing operations per plant so that each plant can act and manufacture on their own.

3. Benefits of the lean manufacturing systems are many that includes a better lead-time, more flexibility and more increased sales.

The internal influence of the lean manufacturing systems is the reduced space of operation and a progress in the work. Aside from improvements of quality and an almost minimal expenditures.

Aside from this, lean manufacturing systems can benefit the company with a scrap reduction of about 90%, reduced set-up and lead times by about 90% and 50%. Using lean manufacturing systems, companies can achieve about 20 inventiry turns per year.

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